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Follow the links below to find material targeted to the unit's elements, performance criteria, required skills and knowledge

Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Define value and its sources
  2. Assess courses of action for their likely success, value contribution and level of authority required
  3. Create intent and in doing so, identify crisis related objectives whilst maximising value
  4. Prioritise value contribution and actions that can be taken during leadership of a crisis
  5. Access and engage existing sources of value
  6. Identify crisis leadership strategies to develop and retain trust in the building of value with teams, communities and organisations
  7. Identify and use legitimacy and support to authorise action
  8. Identify and demonstrate how public normative views of crisis leadership can support action
  9. Identify and demonstrate how legislative, regulatory and policy environments authorise crisis operating environments to sustain and influence the creation of leadership value
  10. Create and develop a plan of opportunities for public engagement and certification of actions
  11. Identify and harness solutions to the interest associated with enacting legitimacy and the likely and associated application of scrutiny to the crisis
  12. Scope, develop and rationalise operational capability
  13. Develop an initial operating framework to ensure actions and capability are mobilised within required timeframes
  14. Provide sound reasoning regarding deployment of operational capability to key stakeholders
  15. Display adaptive capacity and reflect on actions to deliver accurate and sound options and/or decisions during all phases of a crisis
  16. Identify and evaluate need for human resource acquisition to support rationalisation and delegation of determined responsibility and management functions in all phases of a crisis
  17. Develop and use evaluative methods to measure performance
  18. Develop processes for recording and reporting of mandated obligations and outcomes
  19. Develop information collection methods suited to all phases of a crisis